Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things I look forward to

I look forward to taking more pictures. More pictures will be taken and at the end of the month, my friend will be here to visit me ^^ and I'm super excited for that. Today I planned to watch the new Harry Potter, which technically came out yesterday, but i was too broke to go see it, lol, I guess I will go on Friday, which is technically today and I have yet to get any sleep. Instead of going to see a movie, I ran into 2 friends of mine, and then it was off to la fĂȘte nationale, which is the national holiday here. We arrived pretty early to make sure we had a spot to sit while everything started. It seemed like we had the perfect spot until the fireworks started and it was half blocked by the trees, lol.

Our view was a little hidden by the trees but I was still able to catch a decent video of the fireworks action. Watch and Enjoy ^^

Time Difference

The first few days here was okay, because I was going to sleep on Paris time, but after that, I made myself at home.... It was a bad idea, lol.. At home, I would be up all night for no reason, and here it's basically the same. I tell myself that it's to talk to my friends back home, but I know it's a lie. This is not fun, I repeat, NOT fun, lol. I takes away my sight seeing time because I wake up so late the afternoon that I have no real time to look around. I need to get an early start on the day.
Au Revoir!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Well, there is always a beginning somewhere and as for me, this is the beginning of my blogs life, haha.. This is my first blog attempt ever so bare with me if it's not interesting "yet". I'm currently in Paris, France living and I have to say that it is an experience and I love the culture. A lot of Americans get the wrong perception about the French people, thinking that they hate Americans, but it's just the opposite. They are just like us, with the way that they want to expand their culture, whether it be to Asia or America, it's the same thing.
I hope to be able to keep this blog going with updates from France and eventually home to Milwaukee when I return. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!